1) Use Plastic Wrap to Keep Shampoo & Body Wash from Spilling
Some products are a must when traveling. To help avoid any messes in your luggage, Visit CnTraveler Website, as they suggest that taking the lid off and wrapping some plastic wrap around the opening of any bottles you are packing in your suitcase. This will help seal the cap on tighter and avoid any spillage.
2) Pack Flat to Save More Space
Visit Conde Nast Traveler Website to find that In 2015, they conducted an unscientific packing experiment where they measured their results between packing flat and rolling it up. Pack your clothes flat instead of rolled up to save a ton of space and fit more items in your luggage.
3) Store q-tips in an Old Pill Bottle
Visit Faith Tap Website to see the staff that came up with a variety of uses for old empty pill bottles. In the article, they explain how recycling a used pill bottle is perfect to keep your q-tips stored in a smart and sanitary way.
4) Use Binder Clips to Cover Razors
It’s always wise to keep sharp objects protected in your luggage, but we all know that the razor covers seem to simply disappear when we need them. Visit All You Website to see that they compiled a comprehensive list of uses for binder clips and #4 on the list suggests using one to cover your razors to prevent accidents. Who would have thought?

5) Place a Cotton Pad in Compact Makeup to Prevent Breakage
Luggage can be handled pretty roughly, so add some cotton pads inside compact makeup to help absorb impact and protect your beloved powders in case of an accident. Check out Her Packing List Blog has for a few other travel hacks for makeup.
6) Use a Pill Container to Store Jewelry
You can find pill containers at the dollar store and they are seriously handy to carry your jewelry in. You don’t want to store necklaces or bracelets that might get tangled all in one compartment. Visit Jewelry Wise Website to see how they explain how separating them will save you a lot of time untangling messes during your vacation.
7) Use a USB Port on the Hotel TV to Charge Your Phone
Did you know that most TVs have a USB port? If you forgot your wall plug, The Master Suites Website explains how you can easily charge your phone using the USB port in your TV.
8) Place Dryer Sheets in your Suitcase to Keep Clothes Smelling Fresh
Julie Cohn compiled an extravagant list on The Traveling Mom Blog of how to utilize dryer sheets. Surprisingly, one of her best tips is to include a dryer sheet in a suitcase so your clothes still have that out of the dryer fresh scent after a long trip. A dryer sheet can really do wonders here!
9) Use Straws to Pack Toiletries
If you are trying to really pack as little as possible, this is a great solution. Visit the Mighty Girl Website to show you step-by-step how to pack the exact amount of liquids or gels in a tiny little straw.

10) Use a Tic Tac container to Store Bobby Pins
According to Lovely Indeed Blog, Tic Tac containers are perfect for storing bobby pins and it keeps them tangle free!
11) Use Foursquare to Find Wi-Fi Passwords
Instead of just telling people where you are, try using Foursquare to locate businesses that provide free Wi-Fi. Robert Siciliano's Blog explains how if the business requires a password, it might be available in the comments on Foursquare location listings for coffee shops and restaurants.
12) Bring an Empty Water Bottle Through Security
Avoid paying top dollar a simple water bottle. You are not allowed to take your bottled water with you through security, but The Fun Times Guide Website says you’re allowed to take in an empty bottle that you can easily refill at the water fountain near your gate.
13) Put your Phone in a Plastic Bag
The Littlest Things Blog Website says the easiest way to avoid a ruined phone is to carry a Zip Lock back with you and keep your phone in there. Nothing will ruin your vacation more than knowing that you just ruined your $800 smartphone from dropping in the pool or scratching it at the beach, so grab a bag and lock the stress away!
14) Create your own In-flight Movie Theater
Again with the Zip Lock as our MVP here! Place your phone in the bag and clip the bag on the table latch on the seat in front of yours. That’ll make for a hands-free watching experience! Visit the Macgyverisms Blog to show you how.
15) Take Mini Bottles on The Plane
According to I’m a Travel Ninja Blog Website, you can take any alcohol bottles through TSA as long as they’re 3 ounces or less. If you enjoy to have a couple of drinks onboard, taking your own bottles will save you a few bucks that you can use to buy more alcohol when you arrive to your vacation destination.

16) Place a Shower Cap Around Shoes
Nobody likes germs, and the soles of your shoes have seen plenty of those nasty little guys. Place a shower cap around the bottom of your shoes to ensure their not touching your squeaky-clean clothes. Visit Smart Women Travelers Blog explains how a simple shower cap can be good for multiple things; not just shoes.
17) Place Necklaces Through a Straw to Prevent Tangling
If you have a thin necklace that is always getting tangled, Travel Fashion Girl Blog suggests the perfect solution. Run the necklaces through a straw and shut the clasp. Done! No. More. Tangling.
18) Stash Emergency Money in a Chapstick Tube
If you a traveling to a destination you are not too familiar with, it is always smart to be vigilant and prepared. The Shameless Traveler Blog stashes emergency cash into an empty Chapstick tube that will fly under the radar if you happen to be robbed.
19) Pop your Ears on the Plane by Chewing Gum
Relief ear pressure by chewing gum during the change of altitude. Chewing gum helps you move your jaw more and triggers saliva production which leads to more swallowing to help unclog the ears. Find out other ways to pop your ears on Treat Cure Fast Blog Website

20) Keep Kids Entertained with Gel Window Clings
The Mom Edit Blog turned a long flight into something fun for her kiddos. She stocked up on some gel figures and had the kids create stories while they played with them on the window seat.
21) Use Belts to Keep Shirt Collars Stiff
Taking collared shirts with you and want to make sure they hold their shape? Use a soled up belt placed right in the collar to ensure other clothes won’t smash the collar down. This is one of the best packing tips Essential Oxygen Blog includes in one of their articles.
22) Bring an Extra Power Pack
Cell phones and laptops often have a short battery life. And when there’s no outlets or power sources on planes, you could be left with a very long and boring flight. So, the Complex Website suggest bringing an extra power pack to reduce boredom on your tip.
23) Make your Luggage Stand Out
The loudest your luggage, the easiest it will be to spot it on the carousel belt. Visit Modern Ghana Website as they provide some useful tips on how to jazz up your suitcase.
24) Keep Toothbrushes Clean with Clothespins
If you have to brush your teeth on the go, keep a clothespin with your toothbrush, Goats on the Road explains how you can use it to prevent your toothbrush from touching the bathroom counter.

25) Use an Eyeglass Case to Store Power Cords
No more messy wires entangled around all of your belongings. Keep things tidy like Mothers Niche Blog by placing them inside an eyeglass case.
26) Best Time to Buy Airline Tickets
One of the biggest expenses of your entire trip is your airline ticket, so learning how to find cheaper airfare can truly allow you to have the trip of a lifetime without wasting away all of your savings accounts. The Luggage Factory Website designed an a very useful and informational infographic that you can quickly refer to before you buy.
27) Use Compression Bags to Pack your Clothes
Sometimes it’s not the weight, but the volume of clothes we have to worry about when packing our luggage. My Womans Stuff Blog suggests packing bulkier items in a compression bag that sucks the air our and seals them tight. That will free up a lot of space for the souvenirs you will sure want to bring back with you form vacation.
28) Bring an Outlet adapter
Visit Life Hacker Website
Travelers coming from overseas must know that bringing an outlet adapter can really save them from a major headache. Not being able to plug in your devices is one quick way to disappoint people. You don’t want to bring your favorite hair straightener just to find out that you carried the weight for no reason as you won’t be able to plug it in the outlet of your hotel room. Take a look at all the different types of outlets in this infographic by Lifehacker and come prepared.

29) Pack a Lululemon Scarf
Bring items that can double as something else. The Vinyasa Scarf can be used as scarf, wrap, blanket, shawl and more! Kelsey Kaplan's Blog demonstrates all the unique ways this scarf can be utilized.
30) Use Duct Tape for Quick Fixes
You know there’s always a place for duct tape, but you don’t want to waste space in your luggage carrying a whole roll? The Shameless Traveler Blog suggests wrapping duct tape around an entire water bottle so you’re always ready to make a quick fix.